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Monday, September 13, 2010

JOY with Elmo!!!

If you follow me on facebook, you know that I have pictures plastered all over my page of our lastest JOYful event.....our grandson, Will's, 2nd birthday party!  All of our children and grandchildren were there, as well as some extended family members AND, of course, his other set of GRANDparents!  What a JOYful time watching this little fellow experience the outpouring of love from his family and friends.  The Elmo cake, balloons and party theme were a delight to the children (and to the young at heart!)

As we drove home, I began to reflect on the party Heaven will throw when YOU and I are "birthed" into the heavenly realm.  Oh, what a celebration!!! Not only will we bask in the love of the Father and Son, we will be so filled with JOY that the "things of earth will grow strangely dim".  These parties and events and circumstances that bring us such enjoyment now, will be nothing compared to the celebrations that we will be continually enJOYing in Heaven!  As the old hymn says: "What a day, glorious day that will be!"

It is my heart's desire to celebrate throughout eternity with my 'bout you?  Let's live a Godly life before them; seize each teachable moment in the lives of our children and grandchildren to tell them about God; and let's share the JOY of Jesus with them in every circumstance so that they will desire to know Jesus on a personal basis!  It would be a shame if they know more about Elmo than they do Jesus!


  1. I plan to have the biggest party in Heaven ever when I see our sweet daughter again...we'll have so much to talk about!
