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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Expectant JOY

I was just talking with a friend and...can you believe it....the subject of JOY came up! :)  We decided that many times we "miss" God in the little, daily things simply because we are not looking for them!  HOW TRUE!  She noted that so often we wait for God to do "big things" before we recognize that it's Him.  But He is with us ALWAYS!  We just need to learn to recognize His presence and expect Him to pour out His JOY JUICE into our lives.

That made me start thinking of the many ways He's made Himself JOYfully known in my life in the last few days.
  • Good health
  • Time with family
  • Opportunities to meet new sisters in Christ
  • Celebrating birthdays and anniversary with my hubby
  • Contagious laughter of precious grandchildren
  • An 81-year-old mother who I get to see and talk with daily---and in good health
  • A loving church family
  • The BEST friends in the world!!!!
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.  EACH of us can find countless expressions of God's love and JOY in our daily lives---if only we will open our hearts to Him and EXPECT Him to work in our lives!  Now, start counting your own JOYful blessings!  How 'bout posting some of your own so that we can share our JOY with others? 


  1. Picking up my 14 mos. old after his nap and feeling his warm cheek against mine.....what pure JOY!!!!

  2. I am having a difficult time finding JOY right now because my neighbor and dearest friend of 28 years is moving to KS on Saturday. My heart is broken, but it is what is best for her at this time in her life (she's 80). But she has been such a blessing to me and so my JOY comes from:
    1. having her as my role model and mentor for 28 years
    2. having her love my children and grandchildren like her own
    3. having her say "I love you" to me countless times
    4. hearing her wonderful laughter and seeing her positive attitude about everything
    5. watching her strength through the loss of her husband and a bout with breast cancer
    6. and so much more.
    She has been one of my greatest blessings!

  3. Seeing someone I love walking the path toward the future God has planned for her...knowing she is realizing what it feels like to be in God's will and in the flow of His Spirit.

  4. Praying for you, sweet Cheri! Knowing you like I do, I am sure that you will find many ways to share the JOY of the Lord because of this dear friend and what she has meant to you through the years! What a testimony to true friendship!

  5. Mrs. Ashley...I just had another JOY moment. Eaves dropping on my husband while he reads bedtime stories to our precious baby boy has to be on of the best JOY moments ever!!!
    mary ellen swank

  6. Oh, how JOYfully sweet! You and your hubby are making precious memories for that little bundle of JOY!
