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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Philippians---The JOY Book!

Philippians is my favorite book in the Bible....because Paul's attitude of JOY and contentment are woven throughout the tapestry of these 104 verses like threads of priceless gold.  Paul was in prison!!! Yet instead of throwing himself a pity party, he surprisingly sent a joy-filled message to the Christians in Philippi.  And what an encouragement his words are to US, as well!

Have you taken the time to sit down and read this little book all the way through?  It won't take long.  There are only four short chapters.  I can guarantee that if you will read, study and saturate yourself with the wisdom in this joyful letter, you will be drinking in the JOY JUICE that I love to talk about so often.

In the first chapter of Philippians we learn that there is JOY in LIVING---whether or not we get what we want, in spite of difficult circumstances, and even when there are conflicts, hurts and unexpected tragedy.

In the second chapter, we learn there is JOY in SERVING!  It starts with the right attitude (humility); it is maintained through the right theology (God is God); and it is encouraged by the right models and mentors (friends like Timothy and Epaphroditus).

In the third chapter, we learn there is JOY in SHARING.  Paul shared three joyful things in his letter:
  • His testimony
  • His goal in living
  • His reason for encouragement
In the fourth chapter, we learn there is JOY in RESTING.  Resting in Him means begin content in our circumstances because we are trusting Him to be in control.

WOW!  Now that's a lot of JOY for one day!  Dig into the book of Philippians and discover your own servings of JOY JUICE......made especially by God with YOU in mind!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It may just help to ward off anxiety!

Philippians 4:6 reminds us to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let you requests be made known to God."

Wait just a minute!  Surely we read that incorrectly!  Did it say: "BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING"???????? How on earth can we NEVER be anxious????? It's impossible in our own strength!

God knows our human limitations.  And He is always there for us.  He instructs us to go to Him in prayer with EVERYTHING!  As we bring our requests to Him, we should do so with a thankful heart.  This gives us a whole different perspective about our circumstances.  We can TRUST God to take the situation....and take care of it!  He will do that!  Because He cares for us....just as 1 Peter 5:6-7 says: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because HE CARES FOR YOU."

That knowledge alone should fill our hearts with a sense of peace and an overflow of JOY!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


In yesterday's blog I mentioned that the remainder of this week I would post some of the things that God laid upon our hearts at the "EnJOY the Journey" Ladies' Conference at Rothwell Baptist Church in Pooler.  One of the recurring themes of the weekend was that JOY is a CHOICE!  WHAT????  A CHOICE???
Yep!  Keep in mind that JOY is not the same as happiness.  We might not always be happy about our circumstances but we can CHOOSE JOY because of our relationship in Christ!

I told the story of our three year old granddaughter, Naomi, coming to spend a couple of days with us.  When it came naptime, it took her FOREVER to calm down long enough to fall asleep.  She was so excited to be a GiGi and Papa's that she was "wound tight".  As she laid in her bed, she talked to the stuffed animals, the dolls, the pictures on the wall, imaginary friends......she talked and talked and talked!  I finally opened the door and said, "Naomi, you've got to stop talking and take a nap!"

I closed the door, expecting to hear a little sniffle or even a loud cry.....but instead........she was obedient!  She stopped talking......AND STARTED SINGING at the top of her lungs: "I'VE GOT THE JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in my heart, down in my heart toooooooo staaaaaaaaay!"   NAOMI CHOSE JOY!  She was determined to not let anything steal her joy that day---not naptime, not GiGi, not hurt feelings!

What about you and me?  Are we just as determined to not let ANYTHING steal our JOY?  If we have Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, then we have every reason to remain JOYful!  We can't control our circumstances most of the time, but we CAN control how we react to those circumstances.  Let's determine to always CHOOSE that Jesus can produce some delicious JOY JUICE in our lives!!!  A double portion of JOY---enough to share with all those He brings into our path today, tomorrow, and all the days to come!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Basking in the Afterglow of JOY!

To each of you who prayed for the "EnJOY the Journey" Conference at Rothwell Baptist in Pooler, GA this weekend....THANK YOU!  God was there!  And His love and JOY was evident!  It was an AWESOME weekend that passed, oh so quickly! 

From the time we arrived, Tammy, Amanda and I felt wrapped in His love.  The instant we met those PRECIOUS ladies, we felt as if we'd known them for years!  Lots of laughter and smiles were shared from the time we got there til the time we left.  And we are still "basking in the afterglow of His JOY"!

You see, when you have the love of Jesus in your heart and you are seeking to serve Him, God brings those who have common hearts into your path.  No matter what age or what your talents and gifts may be, if you share the love of God, then you have MUCH in common!  I am soooo thrilled to have new friends who are praying for me and who give me the sweet privilege of praying for them!

I'll be posting this week some of things we talked about at the "stay tuned for more JOY"!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Anticipating JOY in the Lord!

Well, this is the day the Lord has made!  I'm reJOYcing and being glad in it!  My ministry "partners" for the weekend and I will be traveling to Savannah today---anticipating a JOYful weekend with the sisters at Rothwell Baptist Church.

Today, I'd like to ask you to pray for God's annointing on the whole weekend, from beginning to end.  Pray for the music, the sound equipment, the speakers, the women who will be attending.  Pray for EACH of our hearts to be tender toward Him.

TRULY, we are anticipating HIS JOY to be evident throughout this conference!

Thanks ahead of time for your prayers!!!!!! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Count it ALL JOY!

Do ever feel that you are under attack?  I do!  And this week has been one of those weeks!  From every direction I felt those "fiery darts" of the enemy heading my way!  But our powerful awesome God is my strength and my SHIELD!!!!!  Therefore, I can still "count it ALL JOY"!

I set aside this week as "study time" to prepare for a ladies' conference that I'll be leading in Pooler, GA. (outside of Savannah)  I had been so busy up until this week with many family, church and ministry activities....all of which were wonderful, fun and good!  BUT I knew I really needed some quiet time, prep time and study time to make sure I was ready to deliver the messages that God has in store for the sweet ladies at Pooler Baptist.

WELL, you guess it!  Distractions and obligations, urgent needs and interruptions came by the multitudes.  Things began to happen that I'd NEVER in a million years dreamed up!  Heartaches, health concerns of family members, friends who were hurting......You get the picture!!!!!

BUT OUR GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!  And I experienced through it all, a sense of PEACE.  You know the kind....that peace that passes all understanding.  It could have come only from God.  I've not had time to study like I'd planned, but I have had time to talk to God in the midst of all the "opportunities".  And He has assured me that HE has everything under control.

Soooo, I'm off to Savannah tomorrow!  And can hardly wait to see what God has in store for our mini "EnJOY the Journey" Conference!  It's GOT to be a special time, because the enemy has worked so hard to keep it from happening.  I'll let you know how God "shows up and shows out"!  I'm counting it ALL JOY!!!! AND asking YOU to pray for God to pour out His JOY JUICE onto all of us!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your Personal Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  All you have to do is ask and you can have as much as you desire!

In Matthew 7:7 we find the words of Jesus: "Ask and it will be give to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  As we pray, we are given these simple guidelines to ASK, SEEK and KNOCK.  And then verse 8 gives us an unconditional promise: "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Doesn't it fill your heart with JOY to know that when you ask, seek and knock, God is listening?!  These verses are promises to the Christian.  HE hears and answers our prayers!  Now, He may not answer in the way that WE think is best or in OUR time frame.  Remember: "His ways are not our ways".   But if we trust that God is always going to answer our prayers with our best interest in mind, this fills us with such peace and assurance---blessed assurance as the old hymn says---packed full of JOY!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

JOY in Partnership

I LOVE the book of Philippians!!!   Yes, you know why!  It's the book of JOY!!!!  I am trying to memorize the book so that I can REALLY understand where Paul was coming from!  Can you believe that 16 times in this short letter (104 verses) Paul mentions JOY.  AND HE WAS IN PRISON when he wrote it!  WOW!  Could we be that JOYful if we were in his situation?

The reason he could "rejoice always" was because of his relationship with Christ. As I was meditating on the passage in Philippians 1:4, a light bulb came on!  Paul said: In all of my prayers for all of you, I always pray with JOY because of your partnership in the gospel.....Do you see that?  He prays for his friends with JOY because of their PARTNERSHIP in the Gospel!!!!!!!  They all loved Jesus and that common bond brought their hearts together in a spirit of JOY!

Yesterday I met with two precious gals who are going with me this weekend to Pooler Baptist Church to lead a ladies' conference.  The whole time we were together, we laughed and giggled and grinned and told hilarious stories....all while planning for the weekend!  It occurred to me that the reason we had so much JOY is because of our "PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL"!!!!!! 

"Father, thank you for my friends, Amanda Hayes and Tammy Arant, who love You and who are so willing to serve You with gladness!  Thank you for bringing us together as partners for this weekend's event and we pray WITH JOY because you have given us this opportunity to share Your love and JOY with others. Please keep us mindful that no matter what our circumstances, no matter how well we have planned, when things don't go our way....we can still "count it all JOY" and "rejoice in the Lord, ALWAYS!"

I believe that I am beginning to understand how Paul felt when he wrote:  "In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with JOY because of your partnership in the gospel!"  AND "I thank my God every time I remember YOU."  God has blessed me with MANY, MANY friends who are so willing to "partner" with me and others in sharing the JOYful news!!!!!  For each of you, I give a shout of praise and JOY!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Secret JOYfully Revealed! I suppose I need to apologize for stringing you along all through the weekend!  NOW, I can tell you the SECRET!
Pat, my dear husband, turned 60 about three weeks ago.  The children and grandchildren planned a surprise weekend in Atlanta and we had a blast celebrating with family.  HOWEVER, our Sunday School "family" didn't get to celebrate with him. Sooooooo we schemed and came up with a secret party to honor the birthday boy.
HOT DOG DIGGITY!!!  PAT IS 60! That was our theme....complete with banner, hotdog hat and deliciously beautiful hotdog CAKE!   Of course our menu included "hotdogs and all the trimmings". 
About 54 of our friends joined in the fun, showering him with gag gifts and expressions of "love and joy"!  We are blessed to have such a JOYful blood line and by Jesus' blood!  Share His love and JOY with others today!  DO NOT keep Jesus a SECRET from anyone......friend or foe!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A JOYful secret!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhhh, I've got a JOYful secret that I'm trying my best to keep just ONE MORE DAY!!!!  And then I can tell you all about it!  It means so much to me because it involves someone I love a whole, whole bunch! Do I have your attention?  Have I peeked your curiosity???  I'll tell you all the details in Monday's post, I promise!

Aren't we glad that we DON'T have to keep secrets from God?!  He knows everything....and STILL loves us!  Some things we might prefer that He not know.  For example, when we make unwise choices or fall short of His commandments.  When we lose our temper or get agitated & let words slip from our mouth that are not "wholesome and Godly", we really wish we could keep it from our Father.  However, may we be reminded that HE made us and HE knows we are going to make mistakes.  That doesn't excuse our repetitive sin; we will have to suffer consequences of our behavior.  BUT GOD STILL LOVES US!!!!  Isn't that JOYfully reassuring?!

Soooooo, don't keep HIM a secret from anyone!  Start sharing His love and JOY with everyone you see today.  And just hold on til Monday and you will learn MY SECRET.....the one that is bringing me a lot of JOY just thinking about it!!!!  :) :) :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

EnJOY the Journey

Most of you know that last year God gave us a JOYful blessing in the form of a community-wide ladies' conference: EnJOY the Journey!  Many people have been asking, "When's the next one?" And my response has been, "When God says so!"

WELLLLLLLLL......I am overflowing with JOY because HE has definitely "said so"!  And we are planning the second "EnJOY the Journey" Conference---PRINCESS of JOY----for March 18 & 19!  Not only is Cheri Keaggy coming back to do our music---WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!----but Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and Focus on the Family contributor, author and MY NEW FRIEND, Karen Ehman, is coming, too!!!!

God is affirming every day that we have heard His voice and He is leading us every step of the way.  Details are falling into place and we are thrilled over the interest that we already have six months ahead of time!  Please pray for this endeavor, that EVERYTHING will be for His glory and honor.

Oh, my!  I can honestly say that I am "enJOYing the journey" with Him!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?
Joy Juice---Relationships---Ice Cream
What do they all have in common?  Each comes in a variety of flavors!

God has many ways that He brings JOY into our lives; and "special relationships" is one of those ways.  Some of our friends are like good, old dependable vanilla ice cream...tried and true.  What a JOY to have friends that you know are going to be there for you no matter what life may serve up on the side!

Then there are the "Nutty Buddies"!  They make us laugh and fill our days with lots of JOY and merriment!  They seem to know just what to say to life our spirits.

Occasionally, we encounter the "Bittersweet Mint" variety of friend, who tells us not what we want to hear necessarily, but what we need to hear...because they love us.

And then we have the rare friend who is like the "Chocolate Fudge Swirl Truffle".  They seem to have a lot of extra love, joy, peace, patience, kindness...well.....Maybe we should call them the "Tuity Fruity" flavor, because we see the fruit of the Spirit throughout their lives.  They challenge us to pursue a closer relationship with the Lord.

Aren't we glad that God makes friends in a variety of flavors?  It's the "cherry on top" that He adds to make our lives abundantly JOYful!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


One of the "friendly disagreements" my husband and I have is over getting a GPS device!  I am directionally challenged and I NEED all the help I can get! My husband, on the other hand, has a great sense of direction and he likes the challenge of finding his destination! 

As I began to write this post, I was awaiting a delivery....a new sofa!!!  Yippee!  We've had the same one for years and years and years!  So as a combined birthday/anniversary gift to each other, we decided to get a new one.  Today as I received the phone call that the delivery truck was on it's way, I asked "Do you need directions?"  The response was, "No, we have a GPS."   The estimated time of arrival was within 20 minutes from the phone call.

WELL....and hour and half later, as well as about five phone calls, the truck finally arrived.  The GPS had not done its job due to there being two roads by the same name in neighboring counties.  The driver was directed to the wrong street address and ended up miles away from our house.

How often do people think they are headed in the right direction because someone has advised them it's the right way?  The ONLY ONE WHO truly knows "the way" is Christ. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6 
Sooooo, I guess what I've learned from this comedy of errors today is that the only way to make certain we are "on the right path" is to plug in to the GPS for JOY....and that's JESUS!

                      Jesus = GPS = God's Plan of Salvation

Monday, September 13, 2010

JOY with Elmo!!!

If you follow me on facebook, you know that I have pictures plastered all over my page of our lastest JOYful event.....our grandson, Will's, 2nd birthday party!  All of our children and grandchildren were there, as well as some extended family members AND, of course, his other set of GRANDparents!  What a JOYful time watching this little fellow experience the outpouring of love from his family and friends.  The Elmo cake, balloons and party theme were a delight to the children (and to the young at heart!)

As we drove home, I began to reflect on the party Heaven will throw when YOU and I are "birthed" into the heavenly realm.  Oh, what a celebration!!! Not only will we bask in the love of the Father and Son, we will be so filled with JOY that the "things of earth will grow strangely dim".  These parties and events and circumstances that bring us such enjoyment now, will be nothing compared to the celebrations that we will be continually enJOYing in Heaven!  As the old hymn says: "What a day, glorious day that will be!"

It is my heart's desire to celebrate throughout eternity with my 'bout you?  Let's live a Godly life before them; seize each teachable moment in the lives of our children and grandchildren to tell them about God; and let's share the JOY of Jesus with them in every circumstance so that they will desire to know Jesus on a personal basis!  It would be a shame if they know more about Elmo than they do Jesus!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Expectant JOY

I was just talking with a friend and...can you believe it....the subject of JOY came up! :)  We decided that many times we "miss" God in the little, daily things simply because we are not looking for them!  HOW TRUE!  She noted that so often we wait for God to do "big things" before we recognize that it's Him.  But He is with us ALWAYS!  We just need to learn to recognize His presence and expect Him to pour out His JOY JUICE into our lives.

That made me start thinking of the many ways He's made Himself JOYfully known in my life in the last few days.
  • Good health
  • Time with family
  • Opportunities to meet new sisters in Christ
  • Celebrating birthdays and anniversary with my hubby
  • Contagious laughter of precious grandchildren
  • An 81-year-old mother who I get to see and talk with daily---and in good health
  • A loving church family
  • The BEST friends in the world!!!!
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.  EACH of us can find countless expressions of God's love and JOY in our daily lives---if only we will open our hearts to Him and EXPECT Him to work in our lives!  Now, start counting your own JOYful blessings!  How 'bout posting some of your own so that we can share our JOY with others? 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Stop whatever you're doing right now and have yourself a generous serving!

Psalm 46:10 tells us to "BE STILL...and know that I am God." Many of us find that the only time we are really "still" is when we're asleep!  And even then we're probably running in our dreams!  "Being still" is an important part of our spiritual growth process. An intimate relationship with God requires quiet time spent alone with God.  Church attendance is wonderful and good---and certainly should be a part of our life---but one-on-one time with God is how we develop a deep, abiding relationship with Him.

Many years ago when Pat and I were dating, we would spend time together to get to know one another.  If we had not been intentional about making that time for one another, we may never have fallen in love.  Now, after 38 years of marriage, we enjoy a deep, personal relationship. In much the same way, we need to spend time with our precious Heavenly Father so that we can get to know Him in an intimate, personal way.

I encourage you today to fall in love with Jesus!  Be intentional about spending time with Him.  "BE STILL...and know that He is God!"  You'll soon find that you have a JOYful glow about you that can come only from "being in love" with HIM!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A JOYful Announcement

It is with MUCH JOY that "JoyJoy Ministries" announces our 2nd "EnJOY the JOurneY" Ladies Conference.  Please mark your calendar for March 18 & 19, 2011.  Dove Award winning CHERI KEAGGY has JOYfully agreed to come back to Douglas (Eastside Baptist Church) and lead in praise and worship music.  She will also speak to us about how God has remained faithful and blessed her with renewed joy through this past year---which has been filled with many ups and downs.
I will be posting details in the days to come, but may I ask you to join me in prayer for this conference to be exactly what GOD intends for it to be.  We want to glorify HIM in everything that is done and said.  There are many hurting women in our community and we desire to reach out and offer them the "JOY JUICE of JESUS".  He is our strength and our shield.
Start spreading the word!!!  Tickets ($20) will be on sale by mid October.  Last year we had approximately 500 ladies!  This year we are aiming toward 600...maximum capacity!!!  Counting on seeing YOU there!  It'll be a weekend filled with abundant JOY!

Monday, September 6, 2010

JOYful Labor

Happy Labor Day!  I haven't posted since Thursday because I have been "JOYfully laboring"!  Our son, Eric, coordinated a retreat for a group of young people from First Presbyterian Church of Macon, GA---and they came to the big city of Wray!  Not only did I have the privilege of joyfully serving them by cooking a few meals, but I also had the blessing of simply listening to Godly conversations and observing them as they made plans for the year to come.  My heart filled with joy just watching these young people as they sought God's guidance in how to reach others for Him.

So often all we hear about are the bad stories of kids gone wrong.  When you watch the news, you are bombarded with the latest reports of gang shootings, robberies, and drug crimes, etc.  How refreshing to be around young people who are sold out to spreading the "JOY JUICE" of Jesus!  And what's so encouraging is that there are MANY, MANY more genuine Christian young people throughout our world who love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind!  There is HOPE.....and that hope is in Jesus!  He is touching young hearts for Him and HE is STILL in control! Doesn't that fill your heart with JOY????? Let's thank the Lord for the young people in our world who have given their hearts to God and are serving Him in every area of their lives.

I could go on and on....but I've got to go "joyfully labor" some more.  My house shows evidence of a JOYful crew who dropped a few crumbs and dirtied a couple of towels! :)  I'm not complaining AT ALL!!!!  I'm soooooooooooooooooooo thankful for such a blessed opportunity to serve the Lord by serving these wonderful "fellows"! As I clean today, you'll hear me humming, "There is JOY in the Lord......."

For pictures go to my facebook page!!!!  (OH!!! How could I forget??? Three precious grandchildren were here, that made the time together EXTRA JOYFUL!!!!!!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Here's our devotional that I promised you yesterday!

     Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Let's JOYfully meditate on God's commands as we sip the sweet juice of the scriptures!  Jesus taught that we should "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it...Love your neighbor as yourself." Matt. 22:37-39
But many daily influences seem to be in direct contradiction to those commands.  The world teaches that we all have our "rights", and we should look out for ourselves! We've become a very self-centered society.
     Just think what this world could be like---if we all would put others before ourselves!  No one would have to demand their rights, because we'd be more concerned about one another than ourselves.  We  wouldn't have to worry about locking our doors or being fearful of break-ins because there would be no crime!  Life would be filled with JOYful experiences of others helping others!
     We may not be able to change the whole world....BUT we can influence our little corner.  Try putting Jesus first and others a close second!  Not only will you be spreading JOY to others, but I have feeling that your own heart will be bursting forth with the JOY of the Lord!  Is that a smile I see on your face already???

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

JOYful Sisters Everywhere!

On Wednesdays I usually post a "JOY JUICE" devotional...but if you will forgive me, I want to wait until tomorrow to do that!  I'm about to POP to tell you about my sweet JOYful adventure last night with some new friends.
I was invited to Morningside Baptist Church in Ashburn, GA to speak at the "kick-off" for their Ladies' Ministry for the new year!  When I arrived---though I had never met one of these precious women---I was welcomed as a "long lost sister".  The social hall was beautifully decorated with fall colors and in the center of the food table was a GORGEOUS three-tiered cake decorated to match my JOY JUICE book!  On the cake was written "Welcome, Joyce" and a replica of the book sat delightfully on top!  It just took my breath away! They even had a beautiful table set aside for my books, complete with a framed poster of JOY JUICE ....and many of the gals graciously wanted a signed copy!  Oh, what a joy that was to me!
The food was scrumptious, the tables were set elegantly, and everything was so inviting....BUT the best thing of all was that GOD WAS THE SPECIAL GUEST!!!  He showed up in a very real way....even down to "choosing" the right song for my new sister, Dorothy, to sing which fit perfectly with the message!  She and I had not discussed anything beforehand....but God had prepared our hearts.  The Morningside Baptist ladies (and two wonderful gentlemen) were so attentive and receptive to God's "word" for each of us.  It was a JOYful time in which we truly experienced the JOY OF THE LORD!
The more opportunities I have to speak in different churches and settings, one thing becomes more and more evident.  No matter where you go, no matter who you meet....if you share the love for the Lord, there is a common bond.  I didn't know these "Ashburn sistas" before last night, but NOW I'll hold each one dear to my heart!  Because we've got the JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in our hearts....down in our hearts tooooo staaay! :)