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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Believe and Be Filled with Joy

              Have you had your Joy Juice today?  I believe with all my heart that drinking in the Joy of Jesus is the best decision you can make!

               What do you believe?  What do you believe about the future of our country?  About the after-life? What do you believe regarding your faith?  Jonathan Whitfield was preaching to coal miners in England. He asked one man, "What do you believe?" "Well, I believe the same as the church." "And what does the church believe?" "Well, they believe the same as me." Seeing he was getting nowhere, Whitfield said, "And what is it that you both believe?" "Well, I suppose the same thing."

            Would you be guilty of answering those questions the same way?  Or do you know that you know that you know what you believe?  Is your belief in God built on the firm foundation of the Word of God…The Holy Bible?  

              Charles Spurgeon claimed that 98 percent of the people he met--including the criminals he visited in England's prisons--told him that they believed the Bible to be true. But the vast majority had never made a personal, life-changing commitment to Jesus Christ. For them, "believe" was not an active verb.  Spurgeon challenged: “I would recommend you either believe God up to the hilt, or else not to believe at all. Believe this book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it. There is no logical standing place between the two.”

(“Be satisfied with nothing less than a faith that swims in the deeps of divine revelation; a faith that paddles about the edge of the water is poor faith at best. It is little better than a dry-land faith, and is not good for much.”)

          We all should know what we believe! Joyfully believe God “to the hilt”! 

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