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Monday, July 11, 2016

Pray! Trust! Receive His Joy!

                Have you had your JOY JUICE today?   It’s a powerful source of strength!  

                 One of my favorite verses on joy comes from Nehemiah 8:10: Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  I’ve read this verse countless times, but God has been teaching me “new” truths through a deeper study of the book of Nehemiah.  

                For starters, Nehemiah demonstrated his TRUST in God repeatedly.  In the midst of overwhelming circumstances and against insurmountable odds, HE TRUSTED that if God had a plan, HE would make a way! Nehemiah was born into captivity; he was a servant to the most powerful king in the world at that time….and yet, God touched his heart with a plan to return to the “city of his forefathers” more than 1000 miles away to rebuild the wall of the city. 

                Do you know what Nehemiah did?  He PRAYED and he TRUSTED! Charles Swindoll says:  “When God puts His hand on a plain, ordinary person whom He has destined for leadership, that person is given mountain-matching abilities.” 

                So what does that mean for you and me?  When we find ourselves in an impossible situation, we can do as Nehemiah did….PRAY AND TRUST!  Swindoll says, “Prayer makes us wait, clears our vision, quiets our heart and activates our faith.”   When we give it to God, we can be guaranteed that HE’S GOT IT!  Trust in Him to work HIS plan for HIS good and for HIS purpose!  That’s when “the joy of the LORD becomes our strength”!

              PRAY, TRUST and receive His JOY!

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