Have you had your Joy Juice today? A joyful person sets Godly goals and depends
on the Lord to help him/her reach those goals.
you consider yourself a goal-setter? We
are never too young or old to set goals.
Please be encouraged by the fact that a person who does have goals is
much more likely to succeed. Here is the
difference (according to Charles Stanley) in a person with no goals and a
person with goals:
- A person with NO goals is adrift, has no excitement in living, accepts mediocrity, is critical of others who are successful, is disappointed with their existence, settles for living in a rut and is a poor steward of God’s gifts of time, resources and energy.
- A person WITH goals has a sense of direction, an excitement about life, pursues excellence, appreciates others who are successful, has a strong sense of purpose, value and worth, seeks a creative, active life and seeks a balanced life marked by emotional & physical health.
Looking at the distinctions
between those who set goals and those who don’t, would you like to guess which
kind of person God wants us to be? Ask
God to give you His direction, set Godly goals and then get ready to be
saturated in the joy that comes from being in the center of His will.
Write down at least one
goal that God has impressed upon your heart.
Pray about it every day….then share with others the joy that
is yours from pursuing this God-given goal.