Have you had your Joy Juice
today? Boldly drink in the joy of the
Lord and get ready to make a difference!
There are
many references in the Bible to boldness and courage. One example is found in Joshua 1:9: “Have
I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not
be dismayed, for the Lord your God
is with you wherever you go.”
We can face
life boldly, with courage because our God is with us. In our own strength, we
are limited…and we are often tempted to be discouraged, timid and give up. When
you doubt that you can do what God has prompted your heart to do…..remember this
true story of Bobby Jones.
Pat Williams
tells about Bobby Jones, a Forward for the Philadelphia 76ers pro basketball
team. Soon after joining the 76ers, Bobby went to the general manager and
suggested that they have a team chapel time before each game. It had never been
done before but Bobby was sure that it was something that God was leading him
to start. His idea was to gather before
each game with the team, sing a hymn or two, pray and have a speaker come to
talk to the players. Of course, it would be voluntary. At the first chapel
time, three players showed up---plus the assistant coach and general manager.
“From that modest start, pregame chapels
have spread all around the NBA. Today,
every team in the league has a chapel service before each game---thanks to the
bold initiative of one man, Bobby Jones.” (Pat Williams in The Warrior Within.)
bold and make a joyful difference by trusting God.