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Monday, May 6, 2013

Plant a Fruit Garden of JOY

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Step out to your garden and gather a fresh batch of JOY!

            Do you have a garden?  I’d like to invite you to join me as we plant our very own JOY garden!  In Genesis 2:8 we read about the “first ever” garden"Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed."

Admittedly, I am NOT a gardener.  I can’t even seem to keep a pot plant alive.  But I’m determined to plant a thriving JOY garden that is filled with beautiful fruit that can be shared with others!  The first thing gardening experts tell us to do is dig up the soil and remove the rocks, weeds and debris.

            Our JOY garden is a spiritual garden…but in much the same way, we need to prepare the soil before we can even begin to think about planting any seeds.  Let’s dig around in our hearts and find that trash and weeds such as anger, bitterness, resentment that will keep the good stuff from growing. We may be holding on tight to that big old rock of unforgiveness.  Nothing will grow in that spot until we clear it completely. 

            When the soil of our heart is cleaned up and all the unwanted debris is gone, then it’s time to test the soil to see if it’s ready for planting.  Whew!  This gardening can be difficult if we try to do it alone……let’s call the Master Gardener and depend on Him to show us how to have a beautiful, healthy Garden of JOY!

            Begin planting your garden today…but only with the help of The Master Gardener---Who is the expert of experts on  the fruit of JOY!

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