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Friday, November 6, 2015

Be Free of Worry and Filled with Joy!

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Hope you’re not worried about tomorrow….or today for that matter!  You see, if we’re drinking our Joy Juice as faithfully as we should, we don’t have to worry!

            As we study and meditate on Jesus’ words in Matthew 6, we will be continually reminded of what Jesus thinks about worry.  He tells us in verse 34: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  In other words, we should live one day at a time, without “borrowing trouble” as my grandmother used to say.  Worry shows a lack of faith in God.  He wants us to depend on Him.  He delights in taking care of our needs.   God has a plan and purpose for each of us, and worrying often keeps us from fulfilling those plans.

            If you desire to be all that God has “purposed” for you to be, put your life in His hands.  Develop such a deep abiding relationship with Him that you recognize His “still, small voice” as He whispers to your heart.  You will be able to rest in Him, instead of worrying and fretting over details.  Waiting on Him will become easier, because your faith and trust will be stronger. 

            When we are free of worry, there’s a lot more room to be filled with JOY!!!!

           Don’t borrow trouble by worrying about things you can’t control. Give your burdens to Jesus and open your heart to His joy.  

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