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Monday, October 8, 2018

Unexpected Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Expect a special serving of joy as you face the “unexpected”.

            Not one of us knows the future…which can be a really good thing in lots of ways! If we knew the future, we may not see the need to trust God.  We could simply trust in our own plans and provisions.  If we knew the future, we may become anxious about what we’re going to have to face and worry about how we can survive.  When the future is uncertain, we have many more reasons to trust God to lead the way.

            A few weeks ago Hurricane Florence caused much devastation.  Though storm trackers and weather experts predicted her path and possible effects, the truth is that no one knew exactly where she would go and how she would behave. Many people heeded the warnings and evacuated to safe places, therefore many lives were saved. It pays to be prepared in situations like this.

            How can we be prepared for the unexpected…spiritually speaking? We need to remember Psalm 119:11: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart,  that I might not sin against thee.”  Reading, studying, memorizing, meditating on God’s Word prepares us for whatever comes in the days ahead. As Christians, we must be so familiar with the Truth, that we can boldy face the future ...even if that includes sickness, loss or grief. Trusting God by knowing His promises brings a peaceful joy like no other.

            Let’s prepare our hearts for the unexpected by joyfully trusting in God’s promises.

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