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Friday, October 26, 2018

Serve with a Joy-filled Heart

         Have you had your Joy Juice today?  And have your served others a generous portion, as well?

            We use the word “serve” often, but how do we truly  “serve others”?  The best teacher on this subject—the expert of experts— is Jesus!  He served all along the way, throughout each day.  Many times he went out of his way to serve. And He served in all kinds of ways. 

            You see, Jesus had a servant’s heart, though He was the “King of kings”.  If we will follow His example and develop the humble attitude of a true servant, our way of thinking will completely change.  A job title or position or our rights will become of little importance to us.  

            Some of the best bosses that I’ve ever had were those who never thought they were too important to do any task, whether it was emptying the garbage cans or making difficult executive decisions. In Matthew 20 Jesus taught that “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant….just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”

            Do you expect others to always be serving YOU?  Or do you have the attitude of Jesus and look for ways to serve others?  If we want to experience a life of fulfillment and joy, we will desire a servant’s heart. 

Drink your Joy Juice faithfully. This should help us to serve others with a joyful heart.  


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