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Monday, February 19, 2018

Think JOY and Be Joyful!

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Are you thinking sweet thoughts? It will certainly help you to have a more joyful day!

            Many times we think that since our thoughts are private, they don’t affect those around us.  But this is far from the truth.  Our thoughts not only touch others’ lives, they also have a dramatic effect on our own.

            Proverbs 23:7 says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

What kind of thoughts do you most often have?  Are they kind or cruel?  Are they peaceful or are they anxious?  You see, whatever we think most often, we become.  If we think loving thoughts, we become more loving.  If we think hateful thoughts….You get the picture!

            Next time we are tempted to focus on angry, bitter, resentful things, let’s ask God to replace them with edifying thoughts.  We don’t want to become an angry, bitter person.  The enemy delights in filling our minds with the wrong kind of thinking.   With God’s help, we can grasp hold of His strength and willingly give Him control. When our negative thought patterns are replaced with those which are good, kind, and loving…we will experience much more joy.

            So, as you go about your busy day, make sure to continually ask the Lord to help you have a peaceful, kind, loving thought-life.  This is a major step toward bringing JOY to others, as well as having a JOYful outlook on life. 

            Think JOY and be joyful!

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