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Monday, February 27, 2017

An Abundant Serving of God's Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Help yourself to an abundant serving!

            The verse in John 10:10 should bring a smile to our face and joy to our heart!   Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

            What an awesome, humbling truth!!  Jesus came to this earth, lived and died for YOU and ME…so that we can enjoy abundant life! Do you understand the enormity of that truth!?   He doesn’t want us simply to survive! He wants us to THRIVE!

            It’s a sad thing that many people think abundance is simply about wealth, possessions, a big house, an expensive automobile and a big, bulging bank account.  The abundance Jesus is talking about goes far beyond material things.  It’s being content with what God has given us and expressing gratitude and joy EVEN in during tough times.  Some of the most joyful people you will ever meet are those who have a close relationship with the Lord.  It has NOTHING to do with how rich or poor they are by the world’s standards.

            Are you living in God’s abundance? We can profess to be a Christian and miss out on the abundant life because we are not 100% “sold out” to Him.  Give God every part of your heart!  THAT’s how to experience the ABUNDANT life overflowing with JOY!! 

         Drink an abundant serving of JOY JUICE so that you’ll overflow onto and into the lives of others.


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