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Monday, November 9, 2015

Joy In the Kitchen!

           Have you had your Joy Juice today?  It’s no laughing matter…well, maybe it is.  When you’re filled with the joy of the Lord, laughter comes easily.

            A few weeks ago I had the privilege of working on a “kitchen team” for a weekend prayer retreat.  We fed a heap of folks— three meals a day and numerous snacks in between.  It was hard work, long hours, lots of planning and preparation; however, WE were the ones who received such blessings!  It was truly a sacrifice of joy!  

Though most of this team had never met, we had a common love for the Lord and considered it a gift to be able to serve together. In spite of the constant work required, there was much laughter and an overwhelming sense of joy which permeated this group. By the time the retreat came to a close, our team had bonded as family.

            What truths can we learn from this true life illustration?

1.      Serving the Lord with gladness makes work a beautiful gift…for both the giver and receiver.
2.      When you serve alongside other Christians who genuinely care about others, it is a joyful experience.
3.      Laughter brings energy and joy…even when we grow weary.

Today I’d like to challenge you to find someone to “serve with gladness”.  It will not only bless them, but you will receive a double portion of God’s joy as you share your time, your efforts and your love for Lord.

 As Psalm 100:2 says:  “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.”

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