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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Focus on God and Find His Indescribable Joy

 Have you had your Joy Juice today?   You’re not worried about drinking too much are you?

            Though we know it’s not a good thing to worry….most of us find ourselves doing just that! Some people seem to have the “spiritual gift” of worrying! All kidding aside, let’s ask ourselves…why do we worry?  Does it help us in any way? As hard as I try, I can’t see anything good that comes from it!  Sure, we will be “concerned” and reflective about things, but there is a difference in that and letting worry consume us. 

            Matthew 6:27 asks the question: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Jesus was teaching that worry is never needed, nor is it helpful.  Instead, it is kind of like walking on a treadmill. It keeps us busy; often it makes us tired, but it gets us nowhere.

            At times we find ourselves in a really tough situation.  It seems to be our nature to fret and be anxious. But let’s be reminded that worrying does not move the hand of God; FAITH does!  If we will exchange worry for trust in God, we can rest in His plan and truly learn to “fret not.”   

            Instead of spending your precious time worrying, why not meditate on God’s Word?  Find passages of scripture that lift you up and give you encouragement.  When we focus on edifying scriptures, we will find hope and strength rising up in our hearts.  And THEN comes the indescribable joy of the Lord! 

            Let’s not fret!  Instead, may we choose to trust God and joyfully anticipate His plan. 

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