Have you
had your JOY JUICE today? Thanksgiving
is past…but Christmas is coming SOON! Let’s sing a song of JOY
No doubt
you’ve already started hearing Christmas music on the radio, in the stores and
maybe even in your own car and home.
Have you noticed how many of our Christmas Carols have the word “JOY” in
them? One of the first ones that comes to
mind is the favorite “JOY to the World.”
Here are some of the lyrics:
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
and heaven and nature sing…
Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
while fields and floods,
rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Are you repeating the JOY of the Lord?! There is much in our world today that distracts us from this special joy. News stories of bombings and terrorist attacks remind us of the evil that plagues our world. But there is good, JOYful news that our Lord prevails and we need to make room in our hearts for Him. How often do we get too busy, too distracted, too caught up in the world… that we forget to experience true, genuine Christmas JOY!
Let’s make this season about seeing JOY in the celebration of the birth of our Savoir, Jesus Christ!