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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Godly Friends Bring Joy!

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  May I recommend a double serving— shared with a friend?

            A good friend…a genuine friend….one that sticks with you through the hard times, as well as the good…a true friend is one of God’s greatest gifts.

            To quote C.S. Lewis: “Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?”   I agree!  The company of Godly friends brings joy, support, comfort, assurance, more joy, encouragement, accountability…and did I mention JOY???!  As Proverbs 27:17 points out : “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”  God places different people in our lives at different points in time to “sharpen” us.  We should be grateful for those Christian friends, learn from them and be positively influenced by them.  AND we should be willing to be used of God in their lives as well!

            Another quote by C.S. Lewis addresses this truth: “The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”   Does someone in particular come to mind when you think of a wise friend?  Thank the Lord for this treasure and ask Him for more opportunities to soak up this person’s wisdom that comes from a close walk with Him.

            May I encourage you to be “joyfully sharpened” by the Godly friends in your life; and be willing to be that kind of friend to others.

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