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Monday, March 11, 2013

A JOY Booster

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It may be just the thing to boost your energy level!

            Many of us try to pack so many things into our days that by the time the sun goes down, we are physically exhausted!  There are those who truly do have health issues that sap their energy and make them weak, but many of us just don’t make wise choices.  We overbook and over-extend ourselves---misjudging what we can realistically get done in one day’s time. It’s as if we expect ourselves to be superman or superwoman! 

When we are weary and tired, every area of our life is affected!  Our patience runs thin with our family and we find ourselves "snapping" instead of responding to them in love.  Our thought process slows down and we can’t seem to make good decisions.  Sometimes physical exhaustion leads to a breakdown in our health and we catch illnesses because of a weakened immune system.

            May I suggest that we all have a large daily serving of that “booster” I like to call JOY JUICE?  Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that “The JOY of the Lord is our strength.”   We all experience times of weariness.  But God has given us His Word which, when applied consistently in our lives, provides rest, renewal and strength to our hearts and minds.

            So as you look at your schedule of things to do today, make sure that Bible study and prayer are on the top of you list.  That’s the way to assure that you will be sipping the JOY JUICE of Jesus throughout your busy day.

            Let's slow down long enough to experience God’s JOY and the strength that He gives us when we depend on Him.

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