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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Check-out" the JOY!

This morning my goal was to brave the COLD and make a run to the grocery store to prepare for the kids coming home for Christmas.  I always like to "cook ahead" so that I can really enJOY them while they are here.  Honestly, I kinda dreaded the ordeal.  I knew I'd spend too much money :) and I don't really like to fight the crowds.  But I put on my warmest clothes, my boots and gloves.....and off I went!

After two trips into the store (my buggy wouldn't hold it all the first time!), I rolled my cart up to the check-out lane.  Imagine my surprise when I was greeted with the most pleasant little lady at the cash register.  She greeted me with a smile and such a pleasant disposition.  The entire time she was ringing me up, she was asking polite questions such as if my family was coming for Christmas and where they were from.  As I paid for my "stuff", I turned back to her and said, "Thanks so much for making my shopping trip so pleasant this morning."  I was rewarded with the biggest grin I've ever seen from a "check-out gal"!  We BOTH experienced the JOY of the season.

As I was leaving town, I realized that it was past lunch tummy was growling, so I turned into the closest fast-food restaurant.  When I pulled up to the window to get my food, AGAIN I was greeted with a huge smile and such a pleasing attitude from the young man in the window. We exchanged "Merry Christmas" and both felt the sweet spirit of the season between us!

TWO SCOOPS OF JOY is what I received as a special gift from God this morning!  And sooo unexpectedly!!!!

So, the lesson learned from my "dreaded" trip to the grocery store:  You can find JOY anywhere.  God is just waiting to surprise us and bless us in unexpected ways and places..........even in the "check-out" lane!

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