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Monday, March 13, 2017

Turn to Jesus; Turn to Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  When we least feel like drinking it, we need it most.

            Remember the old Louis Armstrong classic “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”? That describes how many of us feel from time to time!  Tragedies and trouble are no respecter of persons. Bad things happen to good people.  Christians are not immune to difficulties. The difference between a believer and a non-believer is that the believer knows that God is walking with them through the tough times and that there is hope in Him.  A non-believer most often feels hopeless.

            Bible scholar, Dr. Warren Wiersbe, explains:

“When trouble comes to our lives, we can do one of three things: endure it, escape it, or enlist it.  If we only endure our trials, then trials become our master, and we have a tendency to become hard and bitter.  If we try to escape our trials, then we will probably miss the purposes God wants to achieve in our lives.  But if we learn to enlist our trials, they will become our servants instead of our masters and work for us; and God will work all things together for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28).”

            When you feel as if “nobody knows the trouble you’ve seen”….turn to Jesus and know that He not only knows, He cares and is working to turn the bad into good, sadness into joy and hopelessness into fulfilled promises.

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