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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Magnetic Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today? It’s better if you savor the flavor.

            God made us with different personalities, different interests, different strengths and weaknesses. Some of our personality traits may distract us from being all that God has called us to be---if we do not channel them in the right way.  For example, (and I speak from experience here) some of us have the “stay busy” gene! We are passionate about what God has called us to do; and we like the feeling of accomplishment at the end of a jam-packed day.  Now, this is not wrong… UNLESS we go about our busyness without spending time with God first and asking Him for guidance.    

            Often I have to be reminded to “BE STILL”.  That passage in Psalm 46:10 never loses its importance and it powerful punch (to me personally).  We can be “on mission for Him” and run ahead of Him, totally missing the important opportunities He has planned along the way.  Any time we are outside God’s perfect will and plan, we cannot savor the sweetest flavors of joy that He created especially for us.

            “Magnetic joy” is a term which refers to the kind of genuine joy in the Lord a person exudes when they have spent time with God. Magnetic joy ‘attracts’ and encourages others to seek that kind of joy for themselves. This kind of joy comes from “being still” before Christ, seeking His wisdom for each new day. When we reflect Christ, we radiate with His joy. 

Be still and be filled…with God’s magnetic joy!   

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