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Friday, April 22, 2016

Leave a Legacy...of JOY!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Dream big and drink a double portion of God’s JOY!

            When we are in the center of God’s will….fulfilling His call on our lives, indeed we do drink in the joy that comes from serving Him.  

                So many of us never attempt anything for God because we don’t think we’re talented enough or smart enough or gifted enough!  God may plant a dream in our heart and we timidly think, “Sure, God!  That’s a great idea, but you need to find someone better than this gal/guy!”   We can be encouraged by reading about many Bible characters who heard God’s call but didn’t think they were qualified to fulfill it.  

                A good example is Queen Esther who was approached by her cousin Mordecai to plead before the King for the lives of the Jewish people.  At first she felt very inadequate and afraid.  But then she was reminded (in Esther 4:14) by Mordecai:  “who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

                Is God calling you for “such a time as this”?  What dream has He laid on your heart? Seek His guidance; then step out in faith.  He will guide every step of the way and give you the boldness that you may need!   When Esther agreed to put herself in the position where God could work through her, she accomplished something amazing…and went down in history as the “queen who saved her people”.

                What legacy will you leave?  Let’s pray that it’s a Godly one…filled to overflowing with His joy!

                Here's a challenge: Discover the dream God has created you for… and pursue it with boldness and JOY!

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