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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Passionately Pray!

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Passionately pray for passion and joy so that you can passionately pursue God’s purpose for your life. (Now that’s a mouthful!)

            Some of us may have lost our passion. 

  • ·         The passion to face each new day with an excitement of what God has in store.

  • ·         The passion to share His love with others.

  • ·         The passion to joyfully move throughout our day “on mission” for Him.

  • ·         Are your prayers filled with passionate pleas? Do you fervently pray for the concerns of your heart? Or for the strength and peace of the Lord to help you accept the situation you are in?

Priscilla Shirer says that “Passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose.  It’s your ‘want-to.’ It’s what keeps you going when mundane tasks bore you or difficult ones dissuade you.  Passion is what keeps you moving in the direction your best intentions want you to go.”
            “That’s why, if I were your enemy,” she writes, “I’d make stealing your passion one of my primary goals.  Because I know if I could dim your passion, I could significantly lower your resistance to temptation and discouragement. If I could chip away at your zeal, at your hope, at your belief in God and what He can do, I could chisel down your faith to a whimper.”

            Is the enemy working on you to steal your passion and your joy? Be aware of his tactics and call on God to be your shield and your protector.

          Passionately pray for God to shield your heart from the devils schemes! And pursue God’s purpose with JOY!

(Quotes from Pricilla Shirer’s Fervent, A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer)

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