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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Do You "See" Joy in Your Life?

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  To make certain that you have clear vision, consistently drink healthy servings of God’s joy!

When we talk about “vision”, we automatically think about our eyes. When we can’t see well, our lives are effected. We go to eye doctor, get glasses or contact lenses; we may even have surgery on our eyes so that we can see well.

That’s our physical sight. Today, let’s discuss “vision” from another perspective: Setting goals.  Every good leader has a vision. According to author Pat Williams, “A leader who sees the invisible can inspire his followers to do the impossible.” Dr. Jay Strack, founder of Student Leadership University explains, “A leader looks further down the road because of forward thinking.  He sees the big picture with wide-angle vision.”

 Jesus was the ultimate visionary.  Look at the example of Simon Peter.  (Pat Williams explains this concept beautifully.)  When Jesus first met him, Simon was an impetuous, unreliable fisherman. But Jesus had a vision for Simon’s future, so he gave Simon a new name: “Peter,” meaning “The Rock.” Despite his new name, Peter was anything but a rock (at first)….however, he ultimately became the wise, stable, dependable leader that Jesus had envisioned all along.”

What an example! Before a fisherman named Simon could become a leader named Peter, Jesus envisioned something that wasn’t there.

Let’s envision a committed, joyful relationship with God. As with Peter, Jesus has a vision for you!    

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