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Monday, October 5, 2015

Don't Let the Enemy Steal Your Joy!

Have you had your Joy Juice today!  Don’t let anyone steal your personal serving. Sometimes we truly have to fight for it!

Do you ever feel as if your life is one battle after another?  That’s because….it truly is!   The Bible tells us so. Jesus himself says in John 10:10, “"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

            When the thief tries to steal from you or is aiming to kill and destroy your family, your faith, your joy….then you realize that surely you are in a battle…sometimes, all-out war!  Often we find ourselves in a situation that comes out of nowhere! It makes absolutely no sense. We don’t understand why this is happening. Consider that it may be the enemy’s ploy at stealing our joy!

            One important thing that we must remember when we are angry at someone who has wronged us, when we are resentful toward those who seem to carelessly hurt us and when we want to shout from the tops of our lungs, “God, WHY??”….let’s stop, take a deep breath and recall the scripture in Ephesians 6:12.  The New Living Translation says it like this:

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world…”

            Don’t let the enemy steal your joy. Keep your eyes focused on the One Who wants to give us abundant life in Him....JESUS!


  1. Thanks for this. He tried to do that recently, but it backfired on him. Love you.

  2. Yes, Susan, he is always seeking to destroy! Stand firm! :) Thanks for your comment!
