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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Joy Juice of JESUS!

            Have you had your Joy Juice  today?  It’s a good choice to start your day!

            Don’t you wish that every choice you made was a good one?  But….we’re human and we ALL make mistakes!  Some of our choices seem easy and good at the time, but later we realize that we rushed into the decision without praying about it. It was only later that we came to understand that it was the wrong choice.

            Many times we intellectualize and analyze to make choices. We think because of our skills and talents we know what is best.  When we exclude God from our decision making, we often find ourselves in very uncomfortable situations! .

            As Christians, we can avoid a lot of unnecessary strife by FIRST seeking God’s wisdom and guidance.  He will NOT lead us astray.  The key is that we must be listening to Him. 

            In Romans 12:9, Paul instructs believers to, “Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.”  That one verse covers a lot of territory, doesn’t it?  We are to hate what is evil…from Satan.  And to cling to what is good and of God.  Sometimes that’s not always easy to distinguish, because Satan is really good at counterfeiting! That’s why constant communication with God is always the best choice!

           The Joy Juice of Jesus can lead to good decisions!  Drink it faithfully every day!

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