Have you had your Joy Juice today? Overflow like a fountain, burst forth with joy.
Be a cheerful example to each girl and boy!
That’s a fun way to say: “Be filled
with joy in the Lord!” How can we do that?
Oswald Chambers shares his wisdom: He wrote:
I hope those words touch your heart like they did mine! Indeed, “A cheerful heart is a good medicine!” as Proverbs 17:22 says. Share your joyful heart with others.
Mark Twain said, “To get the full
value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” But let’s remember that
just as we have the opportunity to share our joy, we also have the ability to
crush someone’s spirit. The end of the verse in Prov. 17:22 says…..”but a
crushed spirit dries up the bones!” Mean
words, harsh actions can crush someone. We must always be aware that we leave a
mark on every person we meet. Let’s choose to share our joy and leave a good
we strive to overflow like a fountain of pure joy and leave a good mark as we
share that joy others.