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Monday, August 17, 2015

Give God Your Hurts....Receive His Joy & Peace

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  You may be a little discouraged this morning, but focusing on the JOY of the Lord is a great way to avoid discouragement.

            When people do things purposefully or willfully…directly or indirectly…that hurt us, how do we handle those emotions? Though our human nature would like to lash out and seek revenge, our love for God should override those worldly emotions and replace them with wise actions.  

In Ephesians 4:26, Paul writes: “Be angry, and yet do not sin.”  Chuck Swindoll teaches that, “Anger isn’t as much of a problem as are the sinful acts that anger produces. Unresolved anger can lead to holding grudges, backbiting, faultfinding, and a whole list of sins. So the answer to anger is to resolve it as soon as possible—before it rules your life.”

Swindoll suggests that we imagine rolling all our feelings into a big, heavy ball.  Now that we have this emotional ball, what can we do with it? Well, you could try to swallow it (repress it), but that might make you emotionally or physically ill. You could fling it at someone else (vent it), but that would hurt other friends. You could play catch with it by tossing it back and forth with someone you trust (express it). But in the end, you’ll still go home carrying this wretched ball. So what are you to do with this burdensome ball of hurt? Give it to the Lord. Surrender your feelings to Him in prayer."

Give God the hurts of your heart and allow Him to replace them with His joy and peace.

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