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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

JOYfully Gaze Upon the Lord......

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  When we faithfully drink in the JOY of the Lord, we will have no reason to worry and fret!

            "Nothing kills joy any faster than worry," writes Kay Warren in her book, Choose JOY.  And as we worry, we erect walls around our heart to protect ourselves from being hurt.  Someone once said: “When we are worrying, we are not trusting! And when we’re trusting, we’re not worrying.”  
     Matthew 6:34 tells us: So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time. (TLB)

     When problems arise…and they do come to all of us…the temptation is to focus our energy and attention on the problem.  We replay the situation over and over again in our mind, trying to come up with a solution.  We stress and worry and fret and fuss until we have allowed the problem to overshadow every other aspect of our lives.  We are gazing at the problem and only glancing at God.

            Shouldn’t it be the other way around?  Remember that God is always there for us.  He knows the answer to our problem.  Why do we doubt Him?  He is the “Red Sea” God who can part the waters of our dilemma with a single breath! And he may choose to do just that…or He will give us the strength to face the problem and the wisdom to work through it.  IF we turn our attention, or focus, to HIM!

            As Kay Warren tells us: “Lack of trust chokes joy out of our hearts because of the unnecessary walls we have allowed ourselves to build.”

            Don’t worry, be trusting! Gaze upon the Lord as you glance at your problem. He wants to pour out His joy into your life!  

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