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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Find Balance...Find JOY!

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Take a few minutes at the beginning of your day to drink from the fountain of JOY that will keep your life in balance. 

            "More than two thousand years before email, social networking, cell phones, and car pools, the Greek philosopher Socrates said, 'Beware the barrenness of the busy life.' Joy withers in our lives when we are too busy.  Often we end up slaves to commitments we’ve made, saying yes to the wrong things, leaving ourselves with no time or energy to say yes to the people closest to us." (Kay Warren writes in her book Choose JOY!)

            When we find ourselves in this state, we have allowed our lives to become unbalanced. Finding the right balance begins with an honest conversation with God…asking Him to reveal what our priorities should be and what we should “let go of”.  Each stage of life can be joyfully balanced…if we rely on God to show us what is most important. 

            As a young mother, I remember the burning desire...a passion…to write and speak.  Yet, it was not God’s time for me.  My ministry at that point was my family.  They were my priority.  Now, at this stage of life, God has honored that desire speak and write.  He has opened doors of opportunity in His perfect timing….which brings me such JOY!

            Balance at each stage of life is important.  Wisely choose, with God’s guidance, what He would have you do day by day.

             As Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”   Find balance and find joy!

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