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Monday, May 9, 2011

A Weekend of JOY

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  My prayer is that each of you had a JOYfully blessed day.  Whether you were celebrating with you own mother, being celebrated yourself or just loving on the special women God has put in your life, I trust that it was a day filled with the JOY of the Lord.

As I reflect on my weekend I once again am reminded of God's faithfulness.  Through the difficult times as well as the happy times, God is near. Let me demonstrate by sharing a few of the ways God showed His love over the past few days.

  1. One of my good friends lost her mother after an extended illness. Even though it was a time of loss and heartache, my sweet friend was uplifted by the prayers of so many and she could keep that smile on her face.  She knew her mom was with the Lord and that brought such comfort to her.  The expressions of God's love through her many friends and family and church family members brought "new mercies" during this time of bereavement.
  2. One of the young couples in our church was given a church bridal shower on Saturday.  They were in awe of God's generosity as He "showered" them with blessings in the form of things to start "keeping house".  They were so expressive in their appreciation toward those who put the shower together and who attended and "gifted" them.  God works through His countless ways.
  3. On Sunday I was invited to a special baby dedication.  One of my very precious young friends and her hubby were blessed with a miracle baby a few months ago.  Her story is one that will be told and retold over the years due to the miraculous timing of God.  If you were able to attend the EnJOY the Journey Conference this past March, you heard this little mom's testimony.  What an honor to be able to attend the "Dedication Ceremony" of this beautiful little bundle of JOY.
  4. And then, it was Mother's Day!  My mom, brother, sister and family all gathered in my home for lunch together and the celebration of OUR MOTHER.  Oh, how blessed we have been and continue to be due to the Godly mom that we share.  She is the supreme example in my book of what a Proverbs 31 women looks like.  She's my role model.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.
  5. GRANDBABIES....I cannot end today's post with thanking the Lord for our grandbabies.  At this point we have four bundles of JOY...ages 5, 3, 2, 1.  BUT GOOD NEWS!!!!  We have TWO MORE on the way!  Both sons (and their wives!) are expecting in October.  Soooooo we are double excited about how God is blessing our family.
Enough of that JOY stuff for today!  But may I encourage you to take a glance back over your last few days and begin to find all YOUR blessings, too?  God loves us, each and every one; and He is pouring out His blessings of JOY into our lives, even when we don't even realize it.  Just take a close look and you'll see them! I promise!

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