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Friday, May 6, 2011


Sunday is Mother's Day!  A day to celebrate your mom and the wonderful things she's done for you through the years.  As many of you are, I am blessed with a precious, Godly mother that has brought so much joy to me and my siblings and our families. 

Our mother is often our teacher, our advisor, our inspiration and encourager.  A mother is the “bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries” as well as our hopes and dreams. There’s an old Jewish proverb that says: “A mother understands what a child does not say”.  How true!  Mothers deserve our honor, praise and gratitude for so many reasons.
Let's think of ways to honor our moms all year round...not just on Mother's Day: 

·        One of the best ways is to worship our Creator. If possible, attend church WITH your mom from time to time! 
·        Write her a card or letter telling her how much you love her….and list some of the reasons why.
·        Give her a hug every time you see her.  It doesn’t have to be for a special occasion. Very few mothers ever tire of feeling the arms of their children wrapped tightly around them in love.
·        If your mother has passed on, do something in her memory…maybe a donation to a project at her church or a book in her memory to your local library.

      Take the time to thank God for all the special ladies in your life.  I’d like to JOYfully dedicate  Proverbs 31:29 to my own dear mother--- "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." 

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