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Monday, May 23, 2016

In ALL Things God Works for Our Good (& Joy)

          Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Even in the painful trials….maybe especially in the painful times, we need to be consistently seeking joy in the Lord.

            Bill Hybels writes that there are three categories of people in our world: BP, IP and AP. Before Pain; In Pain; and After Pain.  Each of us falls into one of those categories. .

            If you are in the “Before Pain” category, you’ve been spared of tragedies and heartaches.  You know that Romans 8:28 is a great verse and you’re sure it’s true….that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose…You believe the words, but you have not experienced that truth, personally.

                When we are “IP”, IN PAIN , we cling to the truth in Romans 8:28 as a lifeline. Hybels says, “Our God can redeem even the darkest of days for his purposes.  Without this promise, your trials and mine could feel overwhelming, and our pain could feel unbearable.”

                But hold on…there is the third category…AFTER PAIN.  When we’ve survived the painful trial and are beginning to heal & move forward, Romans 8:28 becomes a treasure.  I like to call it a “Joy Jewel”.  There is a special kind of peaceful joy that comes after the pain, because we’ve seen firsthand the truth of His words. We know that we know that He has worked “good” from the pain.  His promise is true.  

              Whether you are BP, IP or AP….you can “JP” and Joyfully Pray for the “good plan” God has for you.

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