Have you had your Joy Juice today? You don’t have to earn it! It yours, free for
the taking.
Many people think that they can earn their way
to heaven.
- Some try to live a good life.
- Some open up a prayer book for 5 minutes every week and read what's on the page.
- Some go to an organized meeting once a week thinking/hoping it will earn them a place in heaven.
- Some try to help little old ladies across the street every chance they get (as well as other “good deeds” that will show they deserve to be in heaven.)
Consider this: when we want to get into
someone’s home, we have two choices. We
can be invited and enter through the door OR we can break in some other way. We are considered a “welcomed guest” when we
come in through the open door.
On the other hand, what would you think if, in
the wee hours of the morning, someone breaks your window and enters your home.
It is most likely NOT your best friend coming to surprise you. It’s a thief!
And that’s what Jesus calls the person who tries to get into heaven any
other way but through Him.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.” John 10:1 Understand that heaven is God's home. And The Door to God's home has a name. His name is Jesus—