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Friday, April 19, 2013

The Lord Looks at the JOY-filled Heart

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Clear away the clutter and you’ll see it there waiting for you!

            This week we’ve focused on getting the clutter out of hearts and minds so that we can see Jesus more clearly!  It is mighty easy to allow the urgency of our daily routine to overpower our good intentions of spending time with the Lord. 
I’m afraid that many times we are more concerned about what “other people” think than what God desires for us.

            1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us:   The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Let’s ask ourselves: Do we primarily care about what man thinks?  Or are we more concerned about what God sees in us?  When God looks at you and me, does he see:

  • Someone who loves Him with all our heart, soul and mind?
  • A generous person who is concerned about the needs of others?
  • An honest, caring, compassionate friend who strives to live a Godly life?
  • Does He see the fruit of the Spirit being lived out through us?

     When our lives are full of clutter and our thoughts are going in a hundred different directions, we get side-tracked and fall off God’s path for us.  Let’s sweep away the busyness and spend time at the feet of Jesus so that we will be focused on what HE wants and know is best. I’m sure His will includes ABUNDANT JOY!

      When the Lord looks at our heart, let’s have the clutter cleared away so that He can see His reflection!

1 comment:

  1. What a timely message for soooo many busy women as myself. Daily clutter can very easily get me distracted and focused on everything but God's word and will. I'm soooo glad to have His Holy Spirit, because He always gets my mind and heart back to where they need to be which is at the feet of Jesus, dependant on Him for all my needs and confident in His strength w/in me, which is made perfect in my weakness!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
