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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jesus Wants to Give You HIS JOY

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  As you drink in God’s love, the joy will taste even sweeter!

            Many of us SAY that we love the Lord.  We go to church and do nice things for others.  But do you know the “barometer” by which we can measure our true love for God?  The passage in John 15:10 tells us:

“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love." This is Jesus talking…and listen to the next verse  (Verse 11…you will see why I LOVE it! )  "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

            It is with much urgency that we should share this truth!  We show our love for God by OBEYING HIS COMMANDS!  And how do we know those commands?  By reading and studying the Word of God…and by practicing them daily.  Jesus taught this because He knew the joy of relationship with His heavenly Father; and He wants us to have that same joy.  That’s an awesome thought…that we can have JESUS’ JOY. 

            It’s kinda like being thirsty and seeing a nice, cold bottle of water sitting on the counter.  We know we can have it.  All we have to do is pick it up, open it and drink it!  What good is it doing us just sitting on the counter?   It looks good, but does nothing to quench our thirst.  In a similar way, our Bible can sit on the shelf or the end table, looking nice and good.  But it does us absolutely no good, sitting there unopened.  It’s only when we pick it up, open it and drink in the truth that we experience the JOY of JESUS!
            Let's open the Word of God and let His JOY become our JOY.

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