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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Choose JOY...The Best CHOICE!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Hope it was top of your agenda this morning!

            We’ve been talking this week about our choices and how important it is to take responsibility for our attitude!  John Maxwell reminds us that “If you want today to be a good day, you need to take charge of the way you look at it.”

            Think for a moment about the people in your life that have really made a difference for you.   When we display a good attitude, we are showing that we value the people God has put in our lives. “You can’t dislike people and have a good attitude at the same time.  Have you ever met anyone who always treats people badly but has a positive attitude? I don’t think so!  Likewise, you cannot have a bad attitude and encourage others at the same time.  Encouraging others means helping people, looking for the best in them, and trying to bring out their positive qualities.  That process drives negative thoughts right out of your head!”  (Make Today Count by John Maxwell)

            Philippians 2:5 tell us: “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”  Would you say that you pass that test?  Does your attitude replicate the attitude of Jesus….one overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit….love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control? 

            Let’s pray that the Lord will help us to become more and more like Him every day.  May we CHOOSE to treat everyone with the same kind and JOYful attitude that Jesus modeled before us.

            Drink the JOY JUICE of Jesus and see how your attitude becomes more & more like His!

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