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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

QUICK! Drink that JOY JUICE!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today? Go ahead and drink it before you run out of time!

            Do you ever feel that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done that you need to do?  Especially you working moms and dads that are trying to make a living AND raise a family...I’m sure there are days when you feel you need a few extra hours! 

What we need to remember is that God gives us all the same amount of time in a day…24 hours.  We need to seek His guidance to determine how to spend that time wisely.  Some of us ARE more active than others; some of us have more obligations and responsibilities.  But we all need wisdom in using our time wisely.

I like the New Living Translation of Psalm 39:4:

"LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered--how fleeting my life is.”

That makes me want to fill every waking moment with God’s best, doesn’t it  you?  We only have a short time to fulfill His purpose on this earth.  Let’s allow Him to work in our hearts and lives in such a powerful way that we commit to the mission of sharing Jesus with others at every opportunity!  Keep in mind that means different things for different people!  God’s specific plan for your life is not the same as mine….but we can all join together in an effort to share His love and joy with others and to glorify God.

It’s time…to drink and share the JOY JUICE of Jesus!  Don’t waste a single minute!

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