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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Radiate the JOY of Jesus!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Please drink in the joy of Jesus and his love. He’s ready to radiate through you today!  Will you let Him?

Does JESUS shine through YOU?
            So often our spiritual visibility is limited because of our lack of trust in God.  We know that He is an all-knowing, powerful God.  But many times we limit what He can do in our lives.  We tend to try to take care of things in our own strength and our own time instead of waiting on Him.

            True JOY in the Lord comes from understanding that:

·        He goes ahead of us…as our shepherd.
·        He is behind us…as our rearguard.
·        He is above us…as our covering.
·        He is beneath us…as our foundation.
·        He is beside us…as our friend.
·        He is within us…as our (strength).   

As one writer puts it: "God has placed many precious things in such a way, that they are a reward to the diligent, a prize to the earnest, and a joy to the finder.  The nut is hidden in it’s thorny case; the pearl is buried beneath the ocean waves; the gold is imprisoned in the rocky bottom of the mountains; the gem is found only after you crush the rock which encloses it; the very soil gives its harvest as a reward to the laboring farmer.  So truth and God must be earnestly sought." 
(Barbara Johnson, The Joyful Journey )

 Flip the "light" switch!
Are you earnestly seeking a relationship with Him?  He is there, waiting on you to flip the switch that will allow His light to shine on every area of your life.  Get ready to discover many hidden treasures of JOY!

             I'm hoping and praying that you will earnestly seek the JOY of Jesus and his limitless love!

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