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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cure for Grouchiness...JOY in Jesus!

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Please drink it…especially if you’re feeling grouchy!

             We all have our “grouchy” days!  But if you are finding yourself having more negative days than cheerful ones, then STOP!

            Remember, people don’t enjoy being around grouches!  Unless of course, your name is Slimy the Worm and you love Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street!  Oscar complains about EVERYTHING!  He has determined to be negative; never to be satisfied; to criticize everything people try to do for him.  Now, we know that Oscar is just a make believe character, but I imagine you might be smiling right now because you’re thinking of a REAL LIVE grouch, right?

            What can we do to share JOY with them?  The first thing is to simply set a good example.  Smile a lot; say uplifting things; counter negative comments with positive ones.  Model a joyful, Christian life…and when the timing is right, share Christ with them. 

            I know that’s easier said than done.  At times we do need to step back, take a deep breath, and shoot up a flare prayer for God to give us wisdom and perseverance.  Some people who we view as “grouchy” might be hurting or fearful.  Pray that God would show you what you can do to express His love and JOY in that person’s life!  Be patient with them because tomorrow we might be that grouch that needs an extra dose of JOY!

Drink your JOY JUICE faithfully and share a double portion of God’s JOY to ward off “grouchiness”!

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