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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Willing to Forgive and Ready to Share His Joy

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  If it’s made with the fruit of the Spirit, then you can know for sure that it’s “the real thing”!

            Continuing our study of Ephesians 4, let’s look at verse 32…   “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

            Most of us would say that we try to be kind to others.  But it is really difficult to be kind to someone who has hurt you or a family member or friend, isn’t it?  We know we need to forgive those who have wronged us; if we don’t our anger and hurt will become like a festering wound in our minds and souls….and thus comes the bitterness that is mentioned in the previous verse. (Ephesians 4:31)

            “Sometimes we try to do the right thing and forgive, only to have our act of forgiveness misunderstood or rejected.  After all, when we forgive someone, we are forgiving them for something they did wrong---and they may not be willing to admit this.  Or they may think we’re trying to manipulate them or make them treat us better.  This is why we need to focus on our own attitudes and forgive them in our hearts---whether they accept our forgiveness or not.”  (Billy Graham)

            Billy Graham reminds us that we don’t ever have to worry about this kind of “misunderstanding” from God.  “When we come to Christ, our sins are forgiven and our relationship is restored---completely and fully.”  Oh, what JOY floods our hearts when forgiven by the Savior!

May our prayer be: “Father, give us a compassionate heart…willing to forgive and ready to share the joy of  Jesus!”  


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