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Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year to Grow in Faith and Joy

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today? A new year has begun and I hope we have all resolved to drink our Joy Juice faithfully, right?

            If we had a choice, I believe that each of us would choose to have nothing but happiness and joy throughout this New Year, 2015.  We’d like no sickness, no problems, no financial difficulties…just pleasure and comfort.  That sounds like a wonderful life, doesn’t it?

            But----would we grow spiritually or simply become stagnant?  I’ve found that the times that I grow the most in my relationship with the Lord is often during the tough times….times of adversity.

            Let’s face it!  This New Year will come with challenges.  We must realize that sometimes God uses adversity to teach us, mold us, transform us into the person He created us to be.

          Charles Stanley says that when the tough times come, we should:
“Thank God for this unique opportunity to grow spiritually.  You are not simply to endure suffering; you are to grow and mature through it. The best way to develop this attitude is to thank Him every day for the spiritual growth in your life.”

            The Bible tells us in 2 Cor. 12:9 that “God’s grace is sufficient”.  So in this new year, let’s thank God every day for our spiritual growth!  If we’ll do this, our JOY will increase, right along with our faith!

Don’t dread what each day might bring.  But be prepared to learn what God wants to teach us about His grace and joy.  

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