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Thursday, May 17, 2018

God's Umbrella has Double-Joy Protection!

                Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Hope your day is filled with joy….even when the storms come!

                God has given me a passion to share a double-portion of His joy with others.  He has blessed me with opportunities to recognize and share joy in all kinds of ways.  When you come to visit our home, you will find “joy gifts” that friends have given me …displayed in every corner and shelf! I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT JOY! However, I would be misleading you if I pretended to always enjoy my circumstances or tell you that I always respond joyfully to every situation.  It just ain’t so! 

                Life is hard at times.  Paul tells us in Philippians 4:4 that we are to “Rejoice, always!” …not because of the sickness or heartache or broken relationship.  We can “rejoice always” because God is there to walk with us through the difficult times. 

Rick Warren says that the “Bible teaches us that there are three kinds of storms in life: storms that we bring on ourselves (like Samson), storms that God causes (like on the Sea of Galilee), and storms that other people cause (as when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison).”  The fact is that we are ALL going to experience stormy days.  But, no matter what kind of storm we may find ourselves in, we can count on God to be in the midst of it with us, sheltering & protecting us, even when we are scared and hurting.

He promises: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”.  (Hebrews 13:5)

Stand strong under God’s umbrella of protection and find joy under the shelter of His wings.

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