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Monday, January 5, 2015

Start the New Year with a Joyful Perspective!

             Have you had your Joy Juice today?  I hope you have an abundance of Joy Juice to begin this New Year!

            If I could have one wish for each of you as this new year begins, it would be that 2015 will be filled with JOY and contentment.   Though we don’t have control over most of the circumstances in our life, we do have control over the way we react them.

            We can choose to be grumpy and complain when things don’t go our way; or we can face each challenge with a smile and know that it didn’t catch God by surprise!  We can approach a problem with doom and gloom, focusing on all the negatives…or we can look toward the “light” and trust that God has it all under control.

            In John 16:33 Jesus reminds us: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  In other words, Jesus will not abandon us. If we can remember the truth that the ultimate victory has already been won, we can claim the peace and joy of Christ even in the most troublesome times. 

            So start out this new year with a JOYful perspective.  When you find yourself in a difficult situation, choose to walk through that time with a JOYful outlook, because Jesus is walking right beside you, holding your hand.

Look to Jesus for a joyful perspective and trust Him in times of trouble as well as times of triumph. 

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