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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The JOY of JESUS is the "Real Thing"!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Make sure it’s the real stuff…not an artificial substitute!

            I attended a wedding a while back and was impressed by the beautiful flowers.  It was not until I got close enough to touch them, that I realized that they were not real…they were silk imposters!  From a distance I couldn’t tell the difference. Only close inspection exposed them for what they really were…imitations.

            I began to ponder how that same analogy can be true in the Christian faith.   From a distance we can appear to be the genuine thing! But when people get close enough to touch our lives through daily activities, will they see the real stuff…..or will they be disappointed with an artificial substitute?   

            It’s easy to tell “paper or plastic” Christians. They may say they love Jesus, but their language, actions and everyday lifestyle speaks loudly and “tattletales” on them.  The “silk flower” Christians are more difficult to discern.  They look good on the outside; they attend church regularly and may even help with church activities. But when observed during the daily grind and in the routine of the busy week, Monday - Saturday, people may not find the same kind of “Christian” that they see at church on Sunday. 

            When people look at you and me….do they see the “real thing”?  A Christian who loves God with “all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength and with all our mind”?  Would your friends, family and co-workers say that you  'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Luke 10:27)  May we each strive to be an authentic Christian!  One filled with JOY that blossoms and blooms and shares God’s genuine love and joy!

            May I encourage you to drink your JOY JUICE faithfully….always making sure that it’s the “real thing”!

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