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Monday, January 21, 2013

JOYfully Pray for the Children

          Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Children love the taste…please share with them!

            You don’t have to be around most grandparents long before you will hear all about their adorable, bright, talented, precious grandchildren!  How do I know?  Because I’m one of those proud (and sometimes annoying) grandmothers, myself! I’m Gigi to my grandJOYs and to hear them calling me by that name brings incredible joy to my heart! It is such a pleasure to spend time with them and enjoy their fresh outlook on life. And what a privilege it is to PRAY for them!

            That’s what I’d like for us to focus on this week….praying for our children, grandchildren, young friends or relatives.  Many times I think we miss the importance of covering our young people in prayer.  Raising small children is no easy task.  It’s a full time job…with little time for rest.  Yet it is the most rewarding job on earth!

            May each of us make a commitment to depend on God to give us wisdom as we rear our children. May our hearts overflow with love and compassion as we model God’s love before them. And let’s ask God to place on our tongue words of encouragement and edification.  Parents of young children, you’re at such a busy stage of life, but some things might have to go undone! I can promise you that your children will not remember how clean the house was, but they will remember you loving them and reading Bible stories to them.  They will remember the sound of your voice praying with them and for them.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”         

            Make sure that the children in your life are drinking the JOY JUICE of Jesus…by following YOUR faithful example!

1 comment:

  1. Super 'joy message' I read earlier this AM, as I'm off to begin God's school-prayer-mission. My AM's reading included both Deborah's and Gideon's story in Judges, and I find myself feeling very much like Gideon (except I've not used - though considered - the lamb's wool test!). But, I really feel that God has authored - and will empower - this call, and will bless our faithfulness. Truly, I don't know about all the aspects of His mission, other than it will begin this AM, at ICHS. Thanks for faithfully sharing God's words of wisdom and joy, especially in light of the prayers for our children and grands.
