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Monday, June 18, 2012

Treat Others as JOYful Blessings

Have you had your JOY JUICE today? When you share with others, remember to start with your family!

            One of my dear friends told me about a sign she saw in a shop recently. It said: “Treat your family like guests and your guests like family.”  I was so impressed with that statement, I googled it to see who wrote it.  It’s from a book by Judy Baer entitled An Unlikely Blessing.

            I began to ponder the MANY times I have NOT treated my family in the special, thoughtful ways I would treat guests.  Do you fall into that same category….of treating your guests differently than family?  Of course, there will be differences because of the intimate way we know each other, but there are times that it would very appropriate to treat our family members like guests…and I’ll bet they would JOYfully accept the change.

            Think with me for just a moment about ways we can make our family feel like special guests:

  • We can greet them with a smile and a warm welcome when they come through the door!
  • We can be thoughtful and ask about their day, then listen attentively as they share.
  • Maybe we could surprise them with their favorite meal….for absolutely no other reason other than we love them!
  • Let’s be sure they are comfortable; and find reasons to laugh together.

Our homes should be inviting to everyone!  That not only includes special guests but our family members, too! Let’s strive to make our homes places of joy.

             As each person walks through your  back door, remember to joyfully treat your guests like family and your family like guests!

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