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Monday, January 30, 2012

Drink in the JOY Before Time Runs Out!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Time passes so quickly!  Drink in the JOY of the Lord and take advantage of each day to the fullest!

             When I was a young chick, I’d hear people talking about how quickly time flies but I truly didn’t understand what they were talking about.  However, as a "GiGi", I can attest to how rapidly the years go by!

            James 4:14 speaks of the brevity of life. The passage reads, Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

How true!  Even those who reach the age of 80 – 90 or even 100 will tell you that their life was like a vapor!   So…..what can we do to make each day count?  These suggestions come to my mind:

  • Spend more time with Jesus so that you’ll be in tune with His plan for your life here on earth.
  • Share your faith with others by living it out in a contagious manner, every hour of every day.
  • Love your neighbor as yourself and treat them the way you want to be treated.
  • Find the humor in things instead of sulking and becoming bitter.
  • Commit to seeing the good in people and look for the joy in each new day.

Be reminded of how precious each day is.  Focus on the JOY of the Lord and you’ll find yourself enjoying your time so much more!

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