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Thursday, May 21, 2015

'Fast Pass' to Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Always remember that the joy of the Lord is a blessing!

            Do you get impatient when waiting on the car in front of you to move forward at the green light….I said GREEEEEEN light!? Some of us may admit that waiting in the doctor’s office makes us sick! Do you ever find yourself pacing or strumming your fingers on the table because you’re tired of waiting?  Even Disney World has gotten in to the act of helping us with our major “allergy” to waiting by inventing the “Fast Pass”. For a little extra money you can bypass the long lines and go straight into your selected attraction. Now, that’s a GREAT idea!

            Sometimes we might like to suggest that God give us a “fast pass” when we have waited and waited on an unanswered prayer. We can learn from David.  God  promised that David would become King of Israel. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel when he was a teenager.  However, he did not actually become King until he was 30 years old.  In his time of waiting, God was preparing him to be the wise, Godly leader that Israel needed as he reigned for the next 40 years.

            Charles Stanley’s wisdom is evident in these words: “Many times what you most desire is what God wants for you as well.  However, the gift that would be completely wonderful for you tomorrow may be absolutely destructive to you today.  So He lingers, develops you, and matures your character so that you are fully equipped to receive all He has planned for you.”

            As Lamentations 3:25 says: “ The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.”

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