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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Extraordinary Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  It may be an ordinary day, but let’s look for extraordinary joy.

             Children are masters at finding joy! Have you noticed?  Little guys can pick up a stick and play with more joy than if they had an expensive toy in their hands! Little ones delight in the wild flowers they can pick along their path….and they sparkle with joy when they present that flower to their mom or grandmother. Those of you who are blessed with the company of children will often be reminded of how special the simple pleasures can be.   The spontaneous laughter from those little bundles of energy comes so easily about things we might often miss…like chasing butterflies, listening to the bobwhite’s call or giggling at the puppy dog’s wagging tail! None of these things cost a penny!  Yet, they bring so much simple joy!

            We need to slow down and realize that it’s against the backdrop of the “ordinary” that God’s work becomes “extraordinary”. 

            When we see God in everything, we will experience His joy.  In John 10:10, Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  Abundant life, friends, is God’s plan for us.  If we will only accept each new day as the gift He intends it to be, we will find joy beyond measure….in even the small, simple things of our ordinary day.

            Drink in the Joy Juice of Jesus and look at life from a new perspective.  Your ordinary day may just turn into an extraordinarily joyful one!


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